It Was Written In the Stars…Literally

It really was…at least for me.
I was living on my own, single mom (2 young children), working 2-3 jobs at a time, trying to make all my ends meet. Hustling that hustle that we single moms do when you have to pay for everything and have a fierce desire of wanting more for your kids than you ever had for yourself while trying to show them how to be strong and motivated.  Well…at least doing the best that you can at the time and hoping nobody sees otherwise.

The one thing I realized living on my own…I was happy.  I was OK with being alone.  I  quite loved it.  Having my littles with me or just having my evenings free.  It was liberating. It was nice.  It made me more solid.  I had a lot of time to reflect and grow and by being a completely whole person it made it seem healthier to get into a relationship when the time was right.  I knew I would be be able to be with someone as the best version of myself.  It felt so good to finally have peace and know that I deserved love.  I deserved to be with someone who was willing to give as much as I was.  I deserved to be treated kindly.  I deserved to be treated with respect.  I deserved to laugh and be heard and be seen.  I wanted a best friend, confidant…that old “knight and shining armour” kinda thing.  Chivalrous.  Old fashioned and okay….I also wanted him to be tall, funny, really smart and incredibly good looking.  I wrote all of this down and BELIEVED it.

 At that time, my cousin Autumn came to live with me for a bit.  She was sort of in limbo between school and work and she was thinking of moving back  to Orange County and I couldn’t bear the thought of it, so I asked her to come stay with me.  She was, in fact, one of my closest friends, not to mention, family.  I didn’t realize how big of an impact she had on me until much later, but she was a huge part of my growth at that time, little did she know.  She was spunky and fun and completely selfless and dedicated as a human being.  She gave me such insight and taught me so much…and at that time in my life, she was a great sounding board, a great, freeing release from all the stress of motherhood and work and…life!  It was really nice to have someone around to drink wine and share silly “boy” stories with or talk about work or school.  I was ‘adulting’.  It was cool. 

One night, Autumn and I were home and I was looking at Astrology Zone (  Laugh if you will, but I simply love that sh&*.  Take it for what it is, but it’s fun, interesting, comical, cheesy…I know.  But, this one….Astrology Zone…I quite like because it’s usually scarily accurate.  So, we read our horoscope (luckily she is a Virgo like me).  Luckily, I say.  I guess that depends on who is at the receiving end of us Virgo’s 😉  Here is what it said (from what I remember):  “January 9th, of all nights, will be the one time of the year that you will meet your soul mate”.  Well, color me pink and look no further. Autumn and I made a date to go to our favorite restaurant on January 9th:  Mexicali.  I was without the littles that night and she was not working or in school.  So, we both decided, that we would take a little venture out and see what the stars had aligned for us.

January 9th:  THE DAY.  I think it was a Wednesday.  Autumn and I got ready to head to our little mexican restaurant and hope for the best.  We sat in our favorite booth right next to the bar so we could people watch.  We sat there for a bit, having a few drinks, keeping a wandering eye around the place for our Prince Charming…our Knight in Shining Armour…our Keeper.   And then…I spotted him.  This ridiculously good-looking Johnny Depp look-alike standing at the bar.  Damn.  But, wait.  Were there? Yes…Yes, there were.  There were 2 of “him”.  TWINS.  Oh my.  So, my cousin and I turned and looked at them both.  Handsome little devils, they were.  It looked as if they were paying and about to leave.  Bummer…but we were right in their line of site, so I was hoping a little hair twirl or at least eye contact would grab his attention.  I say “his” because I was immediately more attracted to one of them.  They both had shoulder length, brown hair and gorgeous eyes.  But, the one with the cute, flared jeans seemed to just hold my attention.  So, I kept staring over at him….creepy as I was.  As if on cue, he looked up at me.  I kind of smiled and blushed at the same time and immediately looked down.  Well, that was smooth.  Less than a minute later, he walked right past my table and out the door, while his brother finished paying for their drinks.  Alrighty then…I guess that wasn’t my guy.  That wasn’t my lobster.  

Autumn and I started chatting and laughing again and within 30 seconds, the other twin had sauntered up to our table.  He looked straight at me, shook my hand and said “Hey, I just want you to know my brother thinks you’re really beautiful”.   I smiled and blurted out “well, you can tell him I think he’s pretty hot”.  Good grief.  Classy, Misty.  Very classy.  We talked with the other twin, Kenny, was his name, for about 5 minutes and then he left.  Okay, I thought, I guess, neither of them was “him”, but it was a nice little encounter nonetheless.  

About 3 minutes later, I see my cousins eyes widen and she whispers “they‘re coming back!  They’re coming back!”.  Gulp.  What?   And so it was.  They both walked back in and right up to our table.  “Hi, I’m Denny” he said.  Kenny and Denny.  I smiled.  “Hey, I’m Misty”.  His long hair was kind of covering his eyes and face as he spoke to me, but I could see he was adorable.  We talked for a bit and he told me they were on their way into the studio to finish recording their album.  OH. NO.  No…not a musician.  Not an entertainer.  No.  Agh.  That was the very last type of person I wanted to date in the entire world.  Ugh.  But, he was so cute and funny already, I could tell and even a little shy, which was endearing.  Dammit.  

So, we finished our conversation and I gave him my phone number.  I mean, what could it hurt. had already told me this was the 1 night out of the entire year I would meet my soulmate and he was the ONLY person that I spoke to that evening…so, I took a chance.  I took a little risk on this guy…and guess what?  Magic happened.  We started dating almost immediately and we have pretty much been together ever since…9 years and counting and he is hands down my favorite person.  My best friend.  He makes me laugh every day and I still find him to be the cutest, most handsome person I’ve ever met.  He’s challenged me over and over, loved me like I’ve never felt love before and he’s allowed me to be ME…fully and completely.  And now, I definitely appreciate the musician in him because it gives him depth and sweetness and emotion and darkness.   Because…it’s Always OK to take chances, there is Never a time for regret, Sometimes the stars do align….Maybe, just Maybe…you‘ll learn to see your glass as always half full.

He is everything I never knew I always wanted.  



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